Siga Tibs (Ethiopian Beef Stew)
Despite what restaurant menus say, Ethiopians don’t eat a ton of meat ~ mostly legumes and the like. So, this would be a special dish ~ New Years, birthdays, etc. As such, it’s part stir-fry, part stew, and even with…

Pad Gra Prow (Thai Beef and Basil)
I like Thai food, and I like basil, but I don’t like dried coconut, so any time I find a recipe it makes Kat happy. It also helps that we have a ridiculous amount of basil in the pots this…

Japanese Curry, or What to do with that box of S&B Golden Curry you just bought
This is kind of a departure for me, as I’m writing about a box of stuff that you buy at a store. In my defense though, it’s a box of curry paste that, although the integral ingredient is probably not…

Pancit Canton – The Real Deal
Filipino cooking is really cool. Probably because of their history, there’s a unique and wonderful blend of flavors that often encompass the globe. And, a resourcefulness to make the best out of what they have at hand. Pancit is a great example, and one…

The Kitchen Sink – or – What Happens When You Don’t Go to Costco
Ever had one of those days when you regret not going to the supermarket before the weekend? No ground beef, no chicken, nothing for protein. Just a few semi-identifiable bits of something that’s been sitting in the freezer too long….