Easy Creole Grilled Chicken Sandwiches

It’s Labor Day, it’s getting late, but you want to close off the weekend with a BBQ. That’s what Americans do, right? Put meat on fire. Grunt. Huhrrrr Dinner.
At the same time, it’s Monday, and it’s been a long weekend. Times like this, simpler is better.

Grilled chicken sandwich

Shopping List:

  • 1/2 chicken breast per person
  • fire
  • Zatarain’s Creole Seasoning
  • Pepper
  • Salt
  • Rolls (I recommend Orowheat Golden Seeded – tasty, and free of HFCS)
  • Lettuce
  • Tomato(es)
  • Bacon (optional, but everything is better with bacon)
  • Mayo (see my previous rants on why you should buy Best Foods/Hellmans)

Like I said, the idea is simple. Grill some chicken, put it on a bun, and add lettuce, tomatoes, and bacon if you’ve the time.

And I promised this was fast, and easy. Something that gives time to feed the brood, but still be able to relax for the evening.

First things first, chicken breasts are ginormous and oddly shaped these days. To rectify, wrap each breast in cellophane take a meat thwacker until it’s even ~ maybe 3/4″ to 1″. Then cut them in half.

Next, get a fire going. When it’s almost ready, take the chicken “patties” and give a liberal coating of Zatarain’s Creole seasoning, pepper and salt – I would say for each breast, about 1tbsp seasoning (at least), and 2tsp pepper and 1tsp salt. Basically to coat.

Grill roughly five minutes per side until done (there’s no way to give a hard number – just make sure it’s juicy, but the juices are clear) and assemble into sandwiches. but goes well with a side of macaroni salad if you have some.

Instant classic with the family. You look like a hero, and you’ve hardly broken a sweat.