Fake Beef Stroaganoff, or I Made Too Much Steak Last Night

Believe it or not, it’s actually possible to make too much steak.  This becomes especially true where a large cut like tri-tip is concerned – you can make one, or two.  One is seldom enough around here, and two… well,…

Pasta and Cheese Fritters

One of the eternal questions in life is “how much pasta should I make?”  If you’re familiar with bistromathics,  you know that the answer is, of course, a recipriversexclusion – i.e., the answer is any othe number than the one you’ve…

Italian-Style Bread Food

SO, bred. A baker, I am not, but it turns out that lots of breads are easier than I realized, so we’re experimenting here at Hus Folland. Today’s exciting experiment is an Italian bread.  Unlike a lot of its more…

Mushroom-Bacon Stuffed Omelets

Breakfast for dinner, right?  I’ll be honest and say I almost never have breakfaast for breakfast, but still… breakfast for dinner.  There’s just something magical about that (Dennys at 2AM aside). So, tonight’s breakfast dinner is omelets.  But not just…

Steak au Poivre (-ish)

Cook me like one of those French grills Okay, this is one of those things that are simple, but you’ll pay a lot for in a restaurant.  It’s not necessarily easy, but it’s simple.  The trick is in the meat,…

Well, that’s what I’m calling it for now, anyway.  Maybe someone can identify it for me. Anyway, this was partially borne from me wanting more curries under my belt, and partially influenced by Elderdottir’s particular condition where certain things can overcome…

If you know me, you know that I never bake.  Baking is as much science (chemistry, especially) as it is an art, and we don’t get along so well – Screw up a step (which I’m good at) and there’s…

Katsu sauce is basically Japanese BBQ sauce.  You've encountered it if you've ever had katsu chicken/pork/beef at a Japanese restaurant.  If you want to know katsu, I have a decent recipe here. Traditional katsu sauce is a combination of ketchup, soy…