
Fajita time!  It’s also Weber Season. So, we can cook all of the main dish on the grill, not counting any sides you might want. Good fajitas have a robust flavor, and here a little tequila kicks it up a…

Modified wok flame ring

If you have a standard gas stove, take the flame ring you (hopefully) got with your wok, and take a pair of tin snips to it

I’ll just come out and say it – Onion rings are awesome, whether on a burger, or as a side.  I mean, deep-fried onions, am I right?  Well, deep fried nearly everything.  Deep.Fried.  *drools a little* At some point I’ll…

Mozzarella in Carrozza

“Mozzarella in a Carriage“.  Earlier this week, I came across a reference to this, with two sentences to the effect of, “In Italy they make French toast with mozzarella in between two slices of bread, then fried. Sometimes it’s served with…

Cast-Iron baked cornbread

If you’re like me, you grew up with Jiffy cornbread.  Not that there’s anything wrong with that – Jiffy is cheap, easy, and tasty.  All three of which are total ‘wins’ in my book.  On the other hand, there’s a…

This started as a relish for my Santa Maria Tri-Tip but really has a life of it’s own.  As mentioned, it goes great as a BBQ topper, or just as a stand-alone side dish.  Its Mexican-American “cowboy food” and in…

Easy-bake Chicken

Weeknights can be the worst for cooking.  An exceptionally long day at the office (and really, who doesn’t have a lot of those these days) and the idea of spending any time in the kitchen just sounds like a nightmare.  You…

Olav's Wok

 A conversation came up the other day about stir-fry, and woks in particular, and there seemed to be some confusion (and maybe a bit of fear) about the two.  Thankfully, it's not that hard, there are just a lot of…